The Families First programme is funded by the Welsh Government to help families who are facing difficulties. The Families First team offers different types of support depending on need. Complicated problems will need lots of support; however, some families may need help to overcome smaller problems to stop them getting worse. The team work with the family to look at the different issues they may be facing and offer the family a JAFF (Joint Assessment Family Framework). This process allows the needs of each family member to be highlighted and managed through the allocation of a key worker. A Team Around the Family (TAF) approach is then used to support the family through their journey.
Children, Young People and Families in Blaenau Gwent.
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Referral Forms can be obtained from Blaenau Gwent Family Information Service by email
Iaith: Dwyieithog
High StreetBlainaAbertilleryNP13 3BN