Mae'r adnodd hwn wedi'i rheoleiddio. (Mwy am Wasanaethau Rheoleiddiedig)
Mae'r darparwr wedi'i gofrestru gydag Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru (AGC) neu yn cyfatebol.
Cafodd y darparwr arolygiad ar: 05/04/2023.
Mae gan yr darparwr yma lleoedd gwag rhan-amser i blant o oedran 2.5 blynyddoedd a 5 blynyddoedd.
Mae'r darparwr hwn wedi'i gofrestru ar gyfer 24 o leoedd ac mae ganddo staff ar gyfer 24 lle.
The Lighthouse Nursery is a modern purpose-built nursery serving Thornhill and the surrounding area.Lighthouse Nursery is run from a designated nursery room with its own toilet facility within the Thornhill Church Centre. The nursery has a garden attached which we use whenever possible to play and learn outdoors.The purpose of the Nursery is: To serve pre-school children and their parents in the Thornhill area by providing the best environment to develop the whole child.Children from all cultural, ethnic religious and social groups with and without special needs are welcome. The primary language spoken is English with incidental Welsh included.Based on Christian principles, we value each child as an individual, and each family as special. We aim to care for, nurture and encourage every child to achieve his/her full potential. Our goal is to cultivate happy, confident, self-motivated and enquiring children.
Rydym ar gael: tymor ysgol yn unig. In addition to school term time we are open for 3 weeks in the summer holidays
Rydym are gael yn ystod y tymhorau ysgol canlynol:
Gallwn darparu gofal cofleidiol.. Walkover to/from Thornhill Primary School Nursery
Mae gennym y costau ychwanegol canlynol :
We offer a reduced rate for siblings/twins
Yn ein lleoliad rydym yn siarad Saesneg yn unig.
Rydym yn gollwng/codi o'r ysgolion hyn:
Nid ydym yn gollwng/godi o manau eraill.
Lighthouse Nursery Lighthouse NurseryThornhill Church CentreLlanishenCF14 9GA