We are a self advocacy organisation run by people with a learning disability in the Vale of Glamorgan. We run meetings and groups to talk about what is important to us. We tell service providers what works for us and what doesn't.We run lots of social gatherings and introduce people to friendships and love. We run groups for men and women with learning disabilities, Active Communities which meet in the community to talk about community matters, we provide disability awareness training for professionals and employ people with learning disabilities to do paid jobs with support workers. We run a citizens panel that works with the Local Authority to make sure service providers are working well. We are representative on many local and national decision making forums and have members on the Board of Trustees.
People with learning disabilities aged 16 and above.
Oes - A one off payment of £2 for membership.
Self referral or referrals from CST's and other.
Iaith: Saesneg yn unig
Heol y LlongauBarryBarryCF63 4AR