Mae gan yr darparwr yma lleoedd gwag wythnosol i blant o oedran 2 blynyddoedd a 12 blynyddoedd.
Wraparound Before School After School Holiday Clubs
Mae'r darparwr hwn wedi'i gofrestru ar gyfer 30 o leoedd ac mae ganddo staff ar gyfer 30 lle.
Beth rydym ni'n ei wneud
We are childcare environment based in the grounds of Gladstone Primary School. We provide care for children from the age of 2 years old up to 12. We offer a breakfast club, wraparound, afterschool and holiday club for children who attend Gladstone Primary School, High St Primary School, St Baruc and St Currig School. We provide childcare to children eligible for the 30 hours FREE government funding. We are also registered to care for 2 year old children who are either eligible for the current flying start scheme, or the new childcare offer for 2 year olds. We also provide a holiday club during the school holidays for children aged 3 years and above. Our settiing is based in the grounds of the school and it is a spacious warm and friendly environment for the children to enjoy and explore. They are able to make grow and development whilst at the same time having the opportunity to build on their communication, personal and social skills.
Pwy ydym ni'n eu cefnogi
Children aged from 2 years old to 12 years old. We welcome children from all backgrounds and abilities.
All unrhyw un ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?
Any can contact us requiring childcare
Ein oriau agor ac argaeledd
Rydym ar gael: yr holl flwyddyn. We are open throughout the year except Christmas period.
Gallwn darparu gofal cofleidiol.. We provide wraparound to Gladstone Primary School, St Currig and High St School
Dydd Llun |
07:30 - 18:00 |
Dydd Mawrth |
07:30 - 18:00 |
Dydd Mercher |
07:30 - 18:00 |
Dydd Iau |
07:30 - 18:00 |
Dydd Gwener |
07:30 - 18:00 |
Ein costau
Cysylltwch a ni am fanylion costau
Am ein gwasanaeth
Yn ein lleoliad rydym yn siarad Dwyieithog.
Mae gan y darparwr fynediad i gefnogaeth a chyngor am Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (ADY)
We are able to access support from the other professionals who are working with that child. They are abke to visit the child within our environment and provide support and advice to our team. We can also provide support should a child need to be referred
Mae gan y darparwr wybodaeth weithiol o Ddeddf ADY a dulliau Cynllunio sy'n Canolbwyntio ar Unigolion
We follow the guidance provided to us by the local authority and other healthcare profeasionals. We undertake specialised training where required.
Mae staff wedi cael hyfforddiant perthnasol (at gefnogi plant ac anghenion dysgu ychwanegol/anabledd) yn y 2 flynedd diwethaf?
We obtain this training through the flying start scheme |
Man tu allan
We have an enclosed play area. Access to the school field after school hours. Access to a local park |
A wnewch ddefnyddio cewynnau go iawn ar gyfer plant yn eich gofal?
Ydy eich lleoliad yn rhydd o anifeiliaid anwes?
Yn paratoi gwasanaethau 'Dechrau'n Deg'?
Yn cynnig darpariaeth Dechrau’n Deg wrth ochor darpariaeth arall
Yn cynnig y Cyfnod Sylfaen Meithrin (addysg ar gyfer plant tair i bedair oed)
Mae'r gwasanaeth hwn yn rhan o Gynllun Gofal Plant
Mae'r gwasanaeth hwn yn derbyn talebau gofal plant
Mae'r gwasanaeth hwn wedi'i gofrestru gyda'r Cynllun Gofal Plant Di-dreth
childcare offer for Wales, all childcare voucher schemes and the tax free scheme
Yn paratoi gofal ar frys/dros gyfnod byr?
Yn gallu gofalu am blant ble nid Saesneg na Chymraeg yw eu prif iaith
We would meet with the parents/carers to discuss the language used and how we are able to support the children |
Gallwch ymweld â ni yma:
Gladstone Primary School
Gladstone Road
CF62 8NA