Bae Abertawe 4YP - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc

Beth rydym ni'n ei wneud

For young people to share their experiences of mental health with others and learn new strategies to promote their wellbeing through one-to-one support, peer support groups and the State of Mind wellbeing programme.

Pwy ydym ni'n eu cefnogi

Ar gyfer pobl ifanc oed 13-16 yn Abertawe, Castell Nedd a Port Talbot

Oes tâl yn cael ei godi am ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

Nac oes

All unrhyw un ddefnyddio'r gwasanaeth hwn?

You can self refer or be referred

Manylion am wasanaeth gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc

Iaith: Saesneg gydag elfennau dwyieithog

  • Rhowch fanylion am gefnogaeth i blant gydag anableddau / anghenion ychwanegol? Yes Cysylltwch i drafod anghenion eich plentyn(plant) ymhellach. Platfform is committed to ensuring that our projects are accessible to all children and young people. We are able to accommodate children and young people who have additional learning needs, neurodiversity, physical and hidden disabilities. We will ask you about any additional support requirements you may have at point of referral and make any adjustments needed. Please feel free to contact us
  • Mae gan staff perthnasol DBS cyfredol dilys? Yes

Dulliau cysylltu

Cyfryngau cymdeithasol

 Hygyrchedd yr adeilad

 Amserau agor

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