Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i deuluoedd Rhondda Cynon Taf

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Dangos 31 o 31 gwasanaeth

Gwalia Baseball Softball - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae Gwalia Baseball Softbayn yn darparu cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc chwarae pêl fas a phêl feddal. Rydym mewn 3 lleoliad yng Nghaerdydd, ac un lleoliad yn y Barri. Yn greiddiol, mae Baseball Softball Gwalia hefyd yn sefydliad allgymorth ieuenctid cymunedol sy'n ymroddedig i ddefnyddio sesiynau pêl...

1st Aberdare St Fagans Scout Group - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith We take part in activities as diverse as kayaking, abseiling, camping, photography, climbing and zorbing. You can learn survival skills, first aid, computer programming, or even how to fly a plane. There’s something for every young person. It’s a great way to scouts

1st Beddau Scout Group - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We provide the fun, challenge and adventure of scouting to over 90 local girls and boys aged 6 to 14 from Beddau and the surrounding areas. Scouting offers young people the chance to make new friends, learn new skills and try some of the 200 activities that Scouting can offer from archery,...

1st Llanharan Scout Group - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are a Scout group open to Girls and Boys ages 6- 14 covering the areas of Llanharan,Brynna, Llanharry and; beyond. Meeting on a Friday (Beavers; Scouts) and a Wednesday (Cubs).

Army Cadet Force (Cwmbach Detachment) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Army Cadet Force (ACF) has 41,000 cadets (aged 12-18) in over 1,600 locations in every corner of the United Kingdom, the ACF is one of the country's largest voluntary youth organisations. It is also one of the oldest tracing its history back to 1859. We welcome boys and girls from the age...

Army Cadet Force (Ferndale Detachment) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Army Cadet Force (ACF) has 41,000 cadets (aged 12-18) in over 1,600 locations in every corner of the United Kingdom, the ACF is one of the country's largest voluntary youth organisations. It is also one of the oldest tracing its history back to 1859. We welcome boys and girls from the age...

Army Cadet Force (Hirwaun Detachment) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Army Cadet Force (ACF) has 41,000 cadets (aged 12-18) in over 1,600 locations in every corner of the United Kingdom, the ACF is one of the country's largest voluntary youth organisations. It is also one of the oldest tracing its history back to 1859. We welcome boys and girls from the age...

Army Cadet Force (Mountain Ash Detachment) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Army Cadet Force (ACF) has 41,000 cadets (aged 12-18) in over 1,600 locations in every corner of the United Kingdom, the ACF is one of the country's largest voluntary youth organisations. It is also one of the oldest tracing its history back to 1859. We welcome boys and girls from the age...

Army Cadet Force (Pontypridd Detachment) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Army Cadet Force (ACF) has 41,000 cadets (aged 12-18) in over 1,600 locations in every corner of the United Kingdom, the ACF is one of the country's largest voluntary youth organisations. It is also one of the oldest tracing its history back to 1859. We welcome boys and girls from the age...

Army Cadet Force (Talbot Green Detachment) - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Army Cadet Force (ACF) has 41,000 cadets (aged 12-18) in over 1,600 locations in every corner of the United Kingdom, the ACF is one of the country's largest voluntary youth organisations. It is also one of the oldest tracing its history back to 1859. We welcome boys and girls from the age...

Criced Cymru - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae Criced Cymru yn un o 39 o Fyrddau Criced Sirol sy’n rhan o Fwrdd Criced Cymru a Lloegr (yr ECB) ac mae hefyd yn cael ei gydnabod gan Chwaraeon Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru fel y Corff Llywodraethu Cenedlaethol ar gyfer criced yng Nghymru. Mae ein gweledigaeth yn syml; hynny yw, ‘I Griced gipio...

District Scout Council - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The District is led by the District Commissioner who is supported by Assistant District Commissioners, District Leaders, Advisers and Administrators. These volunteers provide guidance and support to Scout Groups and their sections.

Follow Your Dreams LifeWise Project - Rhondda Cynon Taf - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

LifeWise is a project bringing together youngsters with learning disabilities 16+ who are not in employment or education to partake in activities including Arts & Crafts, Health and Wellbeing, Heritage, Knowledge/Life Skills and Performing Arts. The purpose of the project is to help these young...

Girlguiding Cymru - Brownies - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Brownies yw ein hadran ar gyfer merched 7 i 10 oed a thrwy gyfarfodydd rheolaidd, digwyddiadau arbennig, tripiau dydd, cysgu allan, gwersylloedd a gwyliau, mae Brownies yn dysgu hobïau newydd, yn chwarae cerddoriaeth, yn archwilio diwylliannau eraill ac yn mynd yn anturus yn yr awyr agored. Gall ...

Girlguiding Cymru - Guides - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Guides yw ein hadran ar gyfer merched rhwng 10 a 14 oed a thrwy ddod yn rhan o gymuned fyd-eang o ferched sy'n dysgu gyda'i gilydd ac yn rhannu sgiliau a phrofiadau, mae Guides yn cael cyfle i fynd allan yno a gwneud rhywbeth gwahanol iawn. Mae'r aelodau'n cymryd rhan mewn ystod eang o...

Girlguiding Cymru - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Girlguiding Cymru is an opportunity for girls aged 4+ to learn new things, make new friends and develop new skills. We work to provide all girls, regardless of their situation, with unique experiences, that they may not otherwise have been able to enjoy. We also encourage girls to find their own ...

Girlguiding Cymru - Rangers - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae aelodau Rangers rhwng 14-18 oed a gallant fod yn geidwaid, arweinwyr ifanc neu dywyswyr uned. Fel aelod o Rangers mae yna amrywiaeth eang o gyfleoedd fel ymgymryd â gwobrau a heriau a chymryd rhan mewn prosiectau gartref a thramor. I ddarganfod ble mae'ch uned agosaf ac ar gyfer amseroedd...

Girlguiding Cymru - Rainbows - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Rainbows yw ein hadran ar gyfer merched rhwng 5 a 7 oed ac mae'n ymwneud â datblygu hunanhyder, meithrin cyfeillgarwch, dysgu pethau newydd a chael hwyl. Mae merched yn cael eu dwylo yn fudr gyda'r celf a chrefft, rhoi cynnig ar goginio, chwarae gemau sy'n ymwneud â dysgu trwy wneud. I...

Gwasanaeth Plant, Pobl Ifanc a Theuluoedd RNIB - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae Gwasanaeth Plant, Pobl Ifanc a Theuluoedd ac Addysg RNIB yn cefnogi unigolion 0-25 oed sydd ag amhariad ar y golwg, eu teuluoedd a’u ffrindiau, a’r gweithwyr proffesiynol o’u cwmpas gydag unrhyw fath o ymholiad. Rydym hefyd yn cefnogi rhieni sydd ag amhariad ar y golwg eu hunain. Mae ein...

Gwasanaethau Chwarae Rhondda Cynon Taf - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae darpariaeth Chwarae Mynediad Agored ar gael i blant ysgol gynradd yn ystod gwyliau'r ysgol.

Heol Chwarae Rol - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Rydym yn ganolfan chwarae rôl ddielw yn Llanilltud Faerdref (De Cymru), lle gall archwilio ein hystafelloedd galwedigaethol a dysgu trwy chwarae a datblygu sgiliau eraill fel cyfathrebu, iaith, sgiliau cymdeithasol, sgiliau echddygol cain a gros. Rydym hefyd yn cynnal dosbarthiadau addysgol,...

Hirwaun Scouts - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people so that they may take an constructive place in society.

Hirwaun YMCA Youth Service - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Provide a drop in youth provision for children and young people from Hirwaun and surrounding areas.

LCDP - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith LCDP services Day Nursery/Playgroup Children's Holiday Club Youth Club/Activity Clubs Playscheme Adult services On site Café Community Garden

LCDP Youth Club - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

come and join our youth setting were we are currently providing art based session and a friendly environment to relax and meet new people, we also offer workshops that is lead by the youth group.

Mid Glamorgan Area Scout Council - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Our Purpose is to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual and spiritual potential as individuals, responsible citizens and as members of their local national and international communities.

Play and Youth Club - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae ein Hwb Teulu yn darparu amrywiaeth o weithgareddau ar gyfer pob oedran; Chwarae darpariaethau dydd Llun i ddydd Gwener 3:00 tan 4:55pm Darpariaeth Ieuenctid Dydd Llun a Dydd Mawrth 6:00- 8:00 pm Ewch i'n tudalen Facebook am y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf

Rhondda Sea Cadets - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith The Sea Cadets use a nautical theme, based on the customs of the Royal Navy, to teach skills from cookery to computers, engineering, first aid, sailing, navigation and the art of seamanship both on land and on the water. Today, 14,000 young people based in 400 units in towns, cities and ports...

Rhyming Multisensory Stories - Storytelling Through the Senses - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Mae'n darparu gwybodaeth, syniadau ac adnoddau addysgu amlsynhwyraidd a gweithgaredd i rieni/gofalwyr plant a gweithwyr proffesiynol sy'n gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sydd ag anghenion addysgol ychwanegol/arbennig a gweithwyr proffesiynol sy'n gweithio gydag oedolion â namau...

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service - Fire Cadets - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae’r Cadetiaid Tân yn rhaglen ymgysylltu ieuenctid gyffrous sy’n rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc ymgysylltu â Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub De Cymru (GTADC) ac ennill cymhwyster credadwy a sgiliau bywyd y gallant eu defnyddio yn y gweithle Mae Cadetiaid Tân yn rhoi cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc sy’n cynnwys: •...

The Tiny Treehouse - Gweithgareddau ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The Tiny Treehouse is the home of Monkey Music Vale and Bridgend. Featuring a sensory play space, tea/coffee faciltiy and a bespoke music teaching room. It provides a safe environment for families to meet, play and socialise. Complimentary access to our sensory play area for under 4 years is...