Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth i Deuluoedd Abertawe

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Babis Bach Babies - Gweithgareddau rhieni a phlant bach / oed meithrin (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Wrth gyfuno cerddoriaeth fyw gan gerddorion proffesiynol gydag adrodd straeon, mae ein sesiynau yn cefnogi addysg y blynyddoedd cynnar trwy annog cyfathrebiad yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, cyflwyno themâu perthnasol trwy symud a chanu a datblygu hyder trwy gymryd rhan.

Baby Sensory Swansea East & Neath Port Talbot - Gweithgareddau rhieni a phlant bach / oed meithrin (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Precious Early Learning for Babies aged from birth to 13 months old. Experiences and activities designed to help your baby develop in every possible way, and a great way to meet other new parents. Fun movement activities for the development of speech and language (sing and sign, action rhymes,...

Cymraeg I Blant Abertawe - Gweithgareddau rhieni a phlant bach / oed meithrin (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae grwpiau Cymraeg i Blant yn cynnig gweithgareddau hwyliog am ddim i blant a'u teuluoedd gan gynnwys tylino babi, ioga babi ac arwyddo a chân. Cyfle gwych i ail afael yn dy Gymraeg. Stori, arwyddo a chan (0-18 mis) Tylino Babi (0-9 mis) Ioga Babi (10 wythnos - 9 mis)

Cymraeg i Blant CNPT - Gweithgareddau rhieni a phlant bach / oed meithrin (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

Iaith Gwaith Mae grwpiau Cymraeg i Blant yn cynnig gweithgareddau hwyliog am ddim i blant a'u teuluoedd gan gynnwys tylino babi, ioga babi ac arwyddo a chân. Cyfle gwych i ail afael yn dy Gymraeg. Stori, arwyddo a chan (0-18 mis) Tylino Babi (0-9 mis) Ioga Babi (10 wythnos - 9 mis)

Eva’s Busy Rainbow Bees - Gweithgareddau rhieni a phlant bach / oed meithrin (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We are a parent a toddler group which is run for parents, guardians and carers of children with additional learning needs. We provide sensory play indoor and also have use of an astroturf area which is under cover and accessible all year round.

St Illytds Parent and Toddler Group - Gweithgareddau rhieni a phlant bach / oed meithrin (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We provide a safe friendly environment for children and adults to meet. This toddler group is based in Fforestfach Swansea opposite the John Long Suite centre and is for children aged 0 to school age. This is not a drop off, each child must be accompanied by an adult

St.Peter's parent/carer baby and toddler group - Gweithgareddau rhieni a phlant bach / oed meithrin (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

We provide a safe, friendly environment for people to meet with their child/ren and enjoy a cuppa and a chat. There's lots of toys, books to play with that are age appropriate and at the end of each session there's singing, parachute and bubbles.

Tiny Toms - Gweithgareddau rhieni a phlant bach / oed meithrin (Yn agor mewn taflen newydd)

The purpose of Tiny Tom's is to facilitate a welcoming, loving and safe place for parents and carers to attend with their young children. Tiny Tom's creates an environment for children to learn how to play together whilst have enriching learning experiences through play, story time, crafts and...